//! Has the [`run_gui`] function
/// Calls the [`ui::run_common::<C>`] function supplying it with the
/// commandline interface template as a type. Any errors are thrown
/// back to the calling function. A debug message is then displayed
/// conveying that the program is being run in the GUI mode.
pub fn run_gui() -> Result<(), paxy::Error> {
// Initialize the app to setup basic functions like config and logging
let (_cli_input, _logging_worker_guards) =
app::run_common::<CliTemplate>().context(AppSnafu {})?;
// Notify that the app is running in GUI mode
"Running in {} mode... {}",
console::Emoji("📊", "")
todo!("GUI is not yet implemented");
// Ok(())
// region: IMPORTS
use owo_colors::OwoColorize;
use paxy::{
app::{self, ui::console_template::gui::CliTemplate},
use snafu::ResultExt;
// endregion: IMPORTS