Package Manifest

The package manifest is split into three parts. First, we have the base package. A package contains multiple flavors, each flavor contains multiple versions.

Package metadata is specified in essentially any file format, however, examples in this file will be in toml. Many other formats are supported, and translations to those file formats can be found in Manifest Formats. Structure goes as follows:

name = "package-name"
description = "A package description"
authors = ["Author Name <Author Email>"]
license = "License"
homepage = ""
repository = ""
documentation = ""
readme = ""
keywords = ["keyword1", "keyword2"]

dependency1 = "1.0.0"
dependency2 = {
    version = "1.0.0",
    flavor = "flavor"

flavor = "path/to/flavor.toml"


The package table contains metadata about the package itself. The following fields are supported (* = required):

  • name*: The name of the package. This is the name that will be used to refer to the package in other packages' manifests, as well as by users during installation.
  • description*: A description of the package. This should be a short description of what the package does.
  • authors: A list of authors of the package. This should be a list of git identifiers (Name (Domain) <Email>).
  • license: The license of the package. This should be a valid SPDX license identifier.
  • homepage: The homepage of the package. This should be a URL to the package's homepage.
  • repository: The repository of the package. This should be a URL to the package's repository.
  • documentation: The documentation of the package. This should be a URL to the package's documentation.
  • readme: The readme of the package. This should be a path to the package's readme from the directory the manifest is in.
  • keywords: A list of keywords for the package. These keywords should describe the package.


The dependencies table lists all dependencies that are required for all flavors of the package. Each entry should point to either a version or a table with version and flavor fields.


The flavors table lists all flavors of the package. Each entry contain a path to a flavor manifest.

Flavor Manifests

Each flavor specifies its own metadata, dependencies, and all versions of itself.

description = "A flavor description"
authors = ["Author Name <Author Email>"]
license = "License"
homepage = ""
repository = ""
documentation = ""
readme = ""

"0.1.0" = "path/to/0.1.0.toml"


The flavor table contains metadata about the flavor itself. The following fields are supported (* = required):

  • description*: A description of the flavor. This should explain the differences between this flavor and other flavors of the same package.
  • license, homepage, repository, documentation, readme: The same as in the package table. Only include if they're different from the package's.


The versions table lists all versions of the flavor. Each entry should point to a version manifest.

Version Manifests

You're almost at the end. You've created a package, and you've created a flavor. Now you need to create a version. This is the last step in creating a package. A version manifest contains all the information necessary to install a specific version of a package.

authors = ["Author Name <Author Email>"]
license = "License"
homepage = ""
repository = ""
documentation = ""
readme = ""

type = "clone"
url = ""
branch = "master"
commit = "1234567890abcdef"

type = "copy"
source = "path/to/source"
destination = "path/to/destination"

type = "run"
command = "command"

steps = ["step1", "step2", "step3"]
artifacts = ["path/to/artifact1", "path/to/artifact2"]

dependency1 = "1.0.0"
dependency2 = {
    version = "1.0.0",
    flavor = "flavor"


All of the fields under version need only be specified if they different from the prior manifests.


The dependencies table lists all dependencies that are required for this version of the flavor. Each entry should point to either a version or a table with version and flavor fields.



Takes a list of steps. Each step is a key in the manifest. The steps are executed in the order they are listed. The following step types are supported (* = required):

  • clone: Clones a repository. The following fields are supported:
    • url*: The URL of the repository to clone.
    • branch: The branch to clone. Defaults to master.
    • commit: The commit to clone. Defaults to the latest commit on the branch.
  • copy: Copies a file or directory. The following fields are supported:
    • source*: The source of the file or directory to copy.
    • destination*: The destination of the file or directory to copy.
  • run: Runs a shell command. The following fields are supported:
    • command*: The command to run.

All install steps are run in an isolated environment without root access, and artifacts should be installed to the local directory.


Artifacts is a list of paths to files or directories that should be installed. These paths are relative to the local directory. All listed artifacts will be symbolically linked to the target directory.